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Monday, May 3, 2010

Thoughts on the Self; Where I End and You Begin.

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A beautiful moment: After she had said goodbye to me at the front door, my mom said "I hope you find yourself, Sandy". I have spent my life envying her awareness of the world and the way she communicates the beauty she sees in it. I turned around and replied, "I know who I am. It's just that now I'm going to do something about it". I think she knew what I meant.

Homo-Abyssos: The self is a mystery; man is a question to which there can be no answer. I think that an adventure in life is, really, just an act of questioning life itself. It's a performative exploration. I'm talking about drawing a freaking line in the sand here. By discovering the world, I discover myself. By being confused by the world-- and about myself as a result-- I am forced to learn. To rebuild! Learning happens in coming to terms with my own unavoidable ignorance, being confounded in my confrontations with reality, and in my moving away from that initial ignorance by exploring the world. I have placed myself here to be confused for a while-- sense is something that is made in the process, not the prospect.

In defense of his artistic expression, Dali said"Yes,Surrealismisdestructive, but it destroys only what it considers to beshackleslimiting our vision". That reminds me (as do many things) of Heidegger (or maybe someone else) who said,"Primum vivere. Deinde philosophari", which means "First, live. Then philosophize".
And off I go...


  1. good luck Sandy! It is very likely that i will be in the same part of the world doing something similar in the next few months. i saw this 'wheres waldo' reading shortly after reading your blog and had to post it. Have a great time man!

    -Adam Samale

  2. i like your line "by discovering the world, i discover myself"
