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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Yawning Abyss: You Too Are Free

I removed the last post due to certain 'professional' concerns. Here, in their stead, is a poem I wrote at work three weeks ago:

The Yawning Abyss: You Too Are Free
Starting over now:
Back to truth, memory, love
Out with fears, demons, obstacles
I destroy them outright; I condemn them outright.

Condemnation now unbinds-- it frees.
Frees from the solidarity of anger
and the eternal bond of pain which so often ossifies
by hating that thing.

For if I hate you, I must keep you.
I do not hate for I cannot. Rather, I free.

Fear may be itself now in my midst.
Silently stirring dark into darkness
Waiting for weakness, still waiting...
since it breeds on its ability to infect-- that parasite!
It does not self-suffice, nor is autonomous.
It demands me; then I demand.
Now it ends.

I make my law; I grant my weaknesses.
I am passing through this,
the land of forgetting.
I carry sorrow as an innocuous token of a
time where these deep valleys stilled my feet
and kept them still.

Now I walk. I make this path by walking
and I stare in wonder--
alive, and in love with the yawning abyss of my own beautiful freedom.

1 comment:

  1. i love this poem Sandy!! can I post a part of it on facebook?
